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புதுச்சேரி அரசு போக்குவரத்துக் கழகத்தின் அதிகாரப்பூர்வ வலைத்தளத்திற்கு வரவேற்கிறோம்

சின்னம் லோகோ
Transport DepartmentGovernment of Puducherry
போக்குவரத்து துறை புதுச்சேரி அரசு

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About Us

A Brief History: In Puducherry the Motor-cars took the roads by the beginning of 20th Century. Automobiles were regulated for the first time by the Arête of 24 June 1912 and there were then only 16 automobiles of which one was a lorry and 12 persons held driving licenses. Initially the subject of 'Motor Transport' was with the Public Works Department and from 12th February 1955, it was transferred to the Police Department. The number of all types of motor vehicles registered in the Territory increased from 241 in 1956 to 1,106 in 1961. A separate Transport Office was set up and a Regional Transport Officer took over charge from the Superintendent of Police on 14th Sept. 1966. The Office of the Regional Transport Officer started functioning independently with effect from 1st April 1967. The post of RTO upgraded as Director Transport initially and designated as Transport Commissioner subsequently. Consequent to the merger of Government Automobile Workshop with Transport Department in November, 2013, the Department is in the process of expansion to cope up with Transport related needs of the public.

The Transport Department caters to the public transportation needs based on various Acts and Rules including the following:

. Motor Vehicles Act, 1988

. Central Motor Vehicles Rules, 1989

. Pondicherry Motor Vehicles Rules, 1989

. Pondicherry Motor Vehicles Taxation Act, 1967 and Rules of 1967.

Main Functions: The Main functions of Transport Department include the following:

. Providing services to public like Grant of Driving Licences, Registration of motor vehicles and allied services.

. Grant of Permits to Stage Carriages, Goods Carriages,Contract Carriages and Private Service Vehicles. Issue of Temporary permits and Special Permits.

. Revenue Generation by collection of Fees, Taxes and Other receipts.

. Enforcement of Act and Rules related to Motor Transport.

. Ensuring Road Safety as Lead Agency for the Union Territory.

. Nodal Department for all Urban Transport related issues.

. Functions as the Nodal Department for Railway Projects in the Union Territory.